How we work
Our approach is relational, people-centred and future focussed, underpinned by a framework of respect, engagement and self-determination.
We offer multi-dimensional, equitable ways for the disaster management and creative sectors to work with communities to transform disaster planning systems and build capacity to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.
Our model of working strives to activate creativity and civic participation. We help to connect communities, create safe spaces to give voice to experience, cultivate empathy, make sense of the unimaginable and unleash new thinking toward future possibilities.
We recognise that individuals and communities have their own unique understanding of place, identity, risks and needs.
Creative Recovery, as a framework and a process, requires skilled facilitation, consistent support and resourcing. It is a process of connecting and embedding creative approaches within the disaster planning activities of the broader community, in collaboration with community members and local stakeholders.
Our way of working prioritises community engagement and provides entry points for fostering the skills of collaboration that help individuals and communities to better respond when a disaster occurs.
Main image: Nest by Kate Sulan, Refuge 2016: Flood, presented by Arts House, Photo by Bryony Jackson
Creative Responders Podcast