News & Events

Supporting Northern Rivers flood recovery with Creative First Aid Alliance
Our ongoing work to support the Northern Rivers flood recovery in partnership with the Creative First Aid Alliance is continuing throughout 2023 and we recently had the opportunity to gather on Yugambeh Country in the Tallebudgera Valley for three days of Creative Recovery Training.
The training program brought together 16 artists and community leaders who are each working on their own creative recovery programs in various parts of the Northern Rivers. This group of creatives are working towards long-term recovery and future preparedness for the region.
The time spent together enabled us to further deepen the camaraderie among the group and explore some foundational aspects of how to safely and effectively utilise arts-based methods in disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
If you are interested to know more about our Training programs and how they might support your community, find out more here.
If you’d like to know more about Creative First Aid Alliance and the Northern Rivers flood recovery, you can listen to our podcast episode with Katie Cooper-Wares and Elly Bird here.