Case studies

Hard Place/Good Place
Yarra Ranges
Hard Place/Good Place reveals the stories of young people in the Yarra Ranges who were impacted by the 2021 storm event. It focuses on lived experiences of being in a ‘hard place’ or a ‘good place’, through a collection of personal and community stories, told through Augmented Reality [AR] experiences.
Inspired by works such as Parragirls Past, Present the AR works each explore the lived experience of place, comprising a spoken personal ‘lived experience’ narrative and 3D immersive experience of moving through that place, led by the recorded voice of the story-teller. It invites the viewer into an immersive experience of places and objects that these young people identified as the focus of their stories.
The project’s initial focus is on experiences in regional, rural and remote locations across Australia, including areas affected by drought, bushfire and flood. The AR works are published online and exhibited via The Big Anxiety festival / The Big Reach in various locations and the Yarra Ranges Regional Museum.
Hard Place/Good Place is led by the fEEL Lab at UNSW.
Hard Place/Good Place: Yarra Ranges is supported by the Victorian Government.
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