Case studies

Stillness Through Art

A Guide to Overcome Eco-Anxiety

Stillness Through Art, a Guide to Overcome Eco-anxiety is a practical guidebook that uses art to support Australian’s mental health. Those who have suffered from bushfires and the ongoing drought in Victoria need to alleviate their trauma and build self-care skills. This guidebook helps them achieve just that.

It was created by experts in the field of mental health, art, science, and naturopathy. Some of these experts include Pr. Katherine Boydell from the Black Dog Institute and Dr. Rob Gordon.

There are 8 chapters in total and each includes information on a particular technique as well as two step by step activities. One of these activities is for adults to do on their own, the other is designed for children to do with the help of an adult.

It is not for sale as the content has been designed to be provided free of charge. This is possible thanks to the support of the Community Enterprise Foundation, PHN Gippsland and the East Gippsland Shire Council.

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